How to add Top Level domain in Blogger ?

Hello ,
My Friend ask me about the top level domain and i was unable to answer first then i come back to home search in the internet and finally found my answer, Top Level domain is .com, .org etc. there are many more top level domain, we have to pay money to google to use this kind of domain.

Today am going to give special kind of information which is important for the users of blogger 
In this session i would like to give some information about joining the top level domain in blogger
Follow my steps:
1)  login in blogger 
2) go to setting of your website
3)basic>Blog address 
4)Then click on +Setup a 3rd party URL for your blog.
5)write your top level domain name , which should be started with www

Here you can see , there is an error,  Now login in your website and continue the following process

i bought it from this site : so i have to login here to 1)add edit my website.
2)After login go to your account setting 
3)Then go to Manage Order>list of order
4)Then you see your website link there, click there 
You will see as below:
Fig 2

After that click on your website and following option are open.
Then go to the last page as shown in the figure:

Fig 3

Then click on DNS Management :Manage DNS 

Fig 4

After all above Process you will see this page here you can see Cname Records 
Go there and add the different name and destination : example shown in fig 5.

fig 5
In this figure 5 you can see  www and and another line, add then in cname and save Log out from there.

After all the above process you can come back to your blog and save the page:
Save this page
After saving you can connect your top level domain in your website.

The Final step is  you have to redirect your website from www.

To Watch video related to this post : Click Here


  1. Thank you for sharing , your post are really good and working..

  2. its helps me a lot, thank you for sharing ( I follow you )


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