IIT important Question(BSC Csit I semester)

IIT important Question(BSC Csit I semester)

Here are some important question of Introduction to information technology questions for BSC Csit I semester, you can practice form here

UNIT 1: Introduction to Computer System ( BSC Csit)

BSC Csit I semester
BSC Csit I semester

              1.     Define the term computer? Write about its  characteristics.
         2.     Classify digital computer on basis of size.
         3.     Write about functions and components of a computer.
         4.     How CPU and memory works? Explain.
         5.     Differentiate RISC and CISC architecture.
         6.    Write about number system and its types.
         7.     Discuss complementation method for binary subtraction and decimal subtraction.
         8.     What is memory? Explain its types.
         9.     Write about different types of auxiliary storage devices.
        10.  How primary memory differs from secondary memory?
         11.  Write about input and output devices.
         12.  Differentiate impact printers with non impact printers.
         13.  Write short notes on
a.       MICR
b.      OCR and OMR
c.       Joystick
d.      Touch pad
e.      LCD and LED monitor
f.        Daisy wheel printer
g.       Laser printer

UNIT 2: Computer Software and Software Development 

 ( BSC Csit)

         14.  What is software? Explain its types.
         15.  Explain operating system along with its functions.
         16.  Write about different types of operating systems.
         17.  “Operating system provides platform for application software’s.” Justify your answer.
            18.  What do you mean by programming language? Discuss various programming  languages along  with merits and demerits.
         19.  What is translator? Why do we need translators?
         20.  Differentiate compiler and interpreter.
         21.  Write about general software features and trends.
  22.  Write short notes on
a.      Assembly language
b.         Compiler and Interpreter
c.        Natural language

UNIT 3: Database Management System  ( BSC Csit)

         23.  What is data and information? How computer data is processed? Explain.
         24.  Differentiate file processing with database processing.
         25.  Write about characteristics of data and importance of database.
         26.  How database differs from database management system? What are different services    of DBMS?
         27.  Write about quality of information.
         28.  What is DBMS and its advantages? Explain different types of DBMS.
         29.  What is database model? Discuss different types of database models.
         30.  Explain database design process.
         31.  What is database normalization? What are different normal forms? Explain with     examples.
         32.  Write short notes on 
a.       Keys
b.         Relationships

UNIT 4: Telecommunications ( BSC Csit)

       33.  Define the term telecommunication. What are different communication media?
       34.  Differentiate between analog and digital signal.
       35.  What is modulation? Explain its types.
       36.  What is computer network? Write about different types of computer network.
       37.  Discuss different types of network topologies.
       38.  What is network protocol? Why do we need it?
       39.  Write about different network architectures along with advantages and disadvantages.
       40.  Differentiate centralized data processing with distributed data processing.
       41.  Explain distributed system along with advantages and disadvantages.
       42.  Write short notes on
a.    Modem
b.      ISDN
c.      Fiber Optics
d.      Communication Satellite

   UNIT 5: Internet and New Technologies in Information Technologies 
 ( BSC Csit)

        43.  What is internet? Write about its advantages and disadvantages.
        44.  What is internet? Write about its advantages and disadvantages.
        45.  Explain different uses of internet.
        46.  What is internet protocol? Explain different types of internet protocols.
        47.  Define the term ISP. Write about its functions.
        48.  How can we get access to internet? Discuss about different internet access media.
        49.  Differentiate IP address and domain name.
        50.  What is WWW? Is the WEB and INTERNET same? Explain.
        51.  What is web browser? Write about its need.
        52.  Describe HTML with its importance.
        53.  Write about email with its structure. How does an email work?
        54.  Write short notes on
a.      Search Engine
b.        Web pages
c.       URL
d.        Wi Fi
        55.  What is multimedia? Discuss its uses.
        56.  Write about different multimedia tools?
        57.  What is intranet? How it differs from internet?
        58.  Differentiate extranet with intranet.
        59.  List some advantages and disadvantages of intranet.
        60.  Define e-commerce and lists its benefits.
        61.  Explain different types of e-commerce.
        62.  What is hypermedia? Write about its characteristics.
        63.  Explain the components of hypermedia.
        64.  Write about different applications of hypermedia.
        65.  What is data warehouse? Write about its components.
        66.  How data warehouse differs from operational database?
        67.  Discuss data warehouse and data mining along with advantages.
        68.  Describe GIS and its components.
        69.  Explain about working mechanism of GIS.
        70.  Discuss Data representation and technology used in GIS.
        71.  Write short notes on
a.       Data Mart

  UNIT 6: Applications of Information Technology 

 ( BSC Csit)

        72.  How can we use IT in business and Industry? Explain.
        73.  Explain office automation and its technologies.
        74.  Write about use of IT in education and training
        75.  Explain application of IT in science, medicine and engineering.
        76.  How entertainment field use computer and IT?
        77.  Write short notes on.
                        a.       CAD/CAM
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