Communication and Controlling

Communication and Controlling

  - Process of transferring information on common interest from one to another
  - Proper understanding of subject matter
  - Exchange of information:
  * facts  * ideas  * opinions
  * emotions  * orders  * plans
  * guidelines etc.
  - Continuous process and basis of managerial function
  - Means:
  * verbal  * non-verbal
  - Two parties
  - Two way process
  - Complete and rational process
  - Continuous function
  - Oral or written
  - Formal or informal
  - Basis of action and coordination
  A. Sender- source of information: manager, department, organization
  - Conceptualization of information
  B. Encoding- a process of giving a form and meaning to the message
  - selecting the medium through to communicate
  - translate thoughts, feelings into a code as words, symbols, gestures, drawings or other means
  C. Message- the output of the encoding process
  - the subject matter of communication
  - facts, opinions, ideas, request, suggestion etc.
  - written or verbal
  D. Medium- selection of channel of communication
  - Oral Communication: telephone, mediator, group discussion etc.
  - Written Communication: letter, memo, report, newspapers etc.
  E. Receiver- receive message, understands the same, takes necessary steps for response
  - message must be receiver oriented
  F. Decoding- process of translating the message into meaning
  - interpreting the message
  - avoid misinterpretation, misunderstanding of message
  G. Feedback- whether the message is clearly understood, required action is taken by receiver
  - response to sender: two way communication process
  H. Noise- elements or conditions that disturb or interferes in the effectiveness of communication
  - disturbances from environmental factors as sound of radio, loudspeaker, machines, vehicles etc.
  - disturbances as sloppy handwriting, slow voice, soft speech etc. 


  A. Formal Communication
  - Official form of communication
  - Information flows formally defined channels
  - Controlled and regulated by management
  - Smoothly and timely flow of information
  - Maintaining supervision and control by management
  * Downward Communication
  - Flow of information from superior to subordinates
  - Informations: instructions, plans, policies, direction
  - Medium: circular, work schedule, notice, memo
   * Upward Communication
  - From subordinates to superior
  - Information about works/performance in all departments
  - Informations: achievement, problems, suggestions, greivance
  * Sideward Communication
  - Horizontal communication
  - Among same level of employees
  - Exchange ideas, views, experience, knowledge
  - For: developing feeling of teamwork, self coordination among members
  B. Informal Communication
  - Unofficial form of communication
  - Free from all sorts of formalities
  - No formal channels
  - Exchange opinions, views, ideas and other informations
  - For: developing understanding, social relationship, friendship
  - More flexible and fast
  - Free from official channel restrictions
   C. Interpersonal Communication
  - Communication takes place between two individuals or groups
  - Face to Face or through direct contact
  - A two way communication
  - Forms:
    * Oral Communication
  - Message through spoken words
  - Face to face or through mechanical devices
  - Fast communication and immediate feedback, time saving
  - Develop friendly expression, sense of belongingness
  - Requires personality of speaker, tone, way of speaking
   * Written Communication
  - Message through written words
  - Formal means of transforming information
  - When information needs accuracy and authenticity
  - Role of evidence while misunderstanding or dispute
  - Through: letters, circulars, telegrams, memos, reports, manuals, bulletins, notice  
  D. Non-Verbal Communication
  - Message through other means other than verbal and written
  - Facial expression, body movement, physical contact, gestures etc.
  - Used to supplement oral communication 
  - For: expression of feelings, attitude, emotions
  - Handshake, patting on back, anger on face etc.

Enhancing Effecting Communication
  * Effective Listening
  * Utilizing Feedback
  * Regulating Information Flow
  * Two way communication
  * Simplifying language
  * Avoid information overload
  * Environment of trust and confidence
  * Reduce psychological barriers



  - A process to measure actual performance with planned
  - Process of :
  * Preparing plans & policies (standard performance)
  * Measuring actual performance
  * Comparing with standard
  * Finding out deviation, if any
  * Corrective action
  - Focus:
  * Achieve predetermined goals in stated time and standard
  * Facilitate the most effective and efficient attainment of goals


  A. Establishment of Standard
  - Standard: practically attainable and should be the basis of measurement
  - Tangible: quantitative, monetary, time, financial etc. which in numerical terms
  * cost, revenue, profit, production, sales, years/month  - Intangible: competency of managers, employees’ morale, reputation of enterprises, good public relation etc. which can’t be expressed in numerical/quantitative terms
  B. Measurement of Actual Performance
  - Measurement with standard
  - Should be expressed in quantitative terms
  - A basis for future reference 
  C. Comparison
  - A detailed study of actual performance
  - Finding out deviation with standard for various parts of activities
  - Note the list of deviations
  - Finding the weakness and strengths
  D. Analyses the Causes of Deviation
  - Causes: external/internal environment, defects in planning, organizational defects, working environment problem etc.
  - Causes: price change, government rules, strategy of competitors, shortage of raw materials, outdated technology, imbalance of authority & responsibility etc. 
  E. Remedial Action
  - Corrective action to make actual with that level of standard
  - For internal: strategy to remove limitation
    For external: strategy to minimize losses due to external   change 
  - Remedial Actions: modification and improvement in planning, betterment of internal environment, organizational restructuring, placement of right person to right job, betterment in directing techniques etc.

Types of Control:

  A. Pre-Control
  - A preventive control
  - Predicting the problems that may be faced in future
  - Identify the steps to be taken to resolve
  - Inputs and process are observed and analyzed
  - Pre-Control devices: plans, strategies, policies, procedures
   B. Concurrent Control
  - Real time or steering control
  - Controlling the activities in the process of functioning
  - Monitoring and supervision by supervisors
  - Problems identified when occur and corrected immediately before further damage
  - Concurrent control: quality, inventory, production controls etc.
  C. Post Control
  - Takes place after the activity is over
  - After analyzing deviation from planned results
  - A basis of future action on the basis of past information
  - Post controls: profitability, financial position, cash flow etc.

Characteristics of Effective Control System

  - Suitable as per nature, size, requirements of organization
  - Simple, easy operational controlling system design
  - New scientific controlling type
  - Specific goals oriented
  - Within financial capability
  - Cost benefit concept
  - Concentration on functional areas where needed
  - Avoid on only some parts
Capable to communicate
  - Control system communicated to concerned authority
  - Adjustable to changing environment
  - As per change in plan, policies, objectives, people, activities etc.
Responsibility based
  - Point out the responsibility of departments and employees
Strategic and Exceptional
  - Must concentrate on key areas
Forward looking
  - Directed towards future 


  - Key perceivers of quality: Customers
  - Perception of excellence
  - A sense of appreciation that a product/service is better in need satisfaction
  - Perceptions in terms of:
  * performance  * reliability
  * conformance  * durability
  * serviceability  * aesthetics (sense of beauty)
  * perceived quality
  - “conformance to requirement”  “sense of appreciation” “degree of excellence”   “better features & characteristics”


  - Total Quality Management
  - A part of controlling system
  - Management strategy designed to bring awareness  of quality in all organizational process
  - Participation of all members in organization strive and create customer satisfaction
  - Ensuring the things are done rightly, defects and waste are eliminated from operation
  - Review of strategies, plans, policies, procedures, practices
  - Objectives:
  * better, less variable quality of products/services
  * quicker less variable response in process to customer needs
  * greater flexibility in adjusting customer shifting requirements
  * lower cost through quality improvement, waste elimination


  - QA: quality assurance
     QC: quality control
  - Combination of quality assurance ( the process or set of processes used to measure and assure the quality of a product/service)
  and quality control ( the process of ensuring products and services meet consumer expectation and focused on defect identification & elimination)


  - Management Information System
  - Computer based management system
  - Managers organize, evaluate, efficiently manage departments
  - Includes:
    * software that helps in decision making,
    * data resources as database,
    * the hardware resources of a system,
    * decision support system,
    * people management and project management applications,
    * any other computerized processes that enable the departments          to run efficiently
  - Analyzing business problems and designing & maintaining computer applications to solve organizational problems

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