Difference BetweenTheory X & Y

Douglas McGregor: Theory X & Y

  - Douglas, a professor of management, proposed two distinct views of human beings: negative labeled theory X
          positive labeled theory Y
  - understanding both type of behavior for management
Theory X:
  - Employees inherently dislike work and whenever possible, will attempt to avoid it
  - They must be corrected, controlled or threatened with punishment to achieve desired goals
  - Employees will avoid responsibility and seek formal direction whenever possible

 - Most workers place securities above all other factors associated with work and will display little ambition

Theory Y:
  - Work is a natural activity like play or rest
  - People will become committed to organizational objectives if they are rewarded for doing so
  - People will exercise self direction and self control if they are committed to objectives
  - The average person can learn to accept and seek responsibility

  - Many people in the general population have imagination, ingenuity and creativity

Comparison Of Theory X and Theory Y 

Theory XTheory Y
Theory X is a motivational theory, which involves high supervision and control over the subordinates, and greater degree of centralization.
Theory Y, is an advanced theory, wherein it is assumed that the workers are self-directed and self-motivated, for growth and development and takes active part in decision making.

Dislikes work
Work is natural

Little to no ambition
Highly ambitious

Avoids responsibility.
Accept and seek responsibility.




Psychological needs and Security needs
Social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs.

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