  - Concerned with people’s dimension
  - Policies and practices needed to carry out the people or human resource aspects
  - consideration of HR as human capital: mobilization of all resources
  - Through: recruitment, screening & selection, training & development, rewarding, appraising
       individual development,
      desirable working relationship between employers, management & employees,
      effective molding of human resources with physical & other resources,
      for accomplishing organizational objectives


Functions/Components of HRM

A. Acquisition:

  - Begins with HR planning
  - Forecasting future demand, the right people in right number
  - HR requirements assessment
  - Estimating demand and supply of manpower
  - Preparing human resource inventory: current level and requirement
  - Components:
  * planning  * recruitment
  * selection  * placement 
  * socialization

HR Planning(HRP):
  - Ensuring right number and kind of people, at right place, right time, capable of effectively and efficiently completing tasks

  - A process for determining and assuring that the organization will have an adequate number of qualified persons, available at proper times, meeting the needs of organization
  - A process of:
  * Analyze business plans to establish future HR requirements
  * Estimate future HR availabilities
  * Reconcile availabilities and requirements
  * Formulate action plan
  - linking activity bringing together those with jobs and seeking jobs
  - searching and motivating probable candidates to apply for the vacant
  - helping tool to choose the best available candidate
  - choosing right candidate best suited for the requirement
  - rejecting unsuitable applicants
  - choose individuals who possess necessary skills, abilities, personalities meeting job specification
  - providing the job/task/role
  - providing authority and responsibility with job description
  - a process of adaptation that takes place as individuals attempt to learn the values and norms of work roles
  - knowing about organization culture, beliefs, customs
  - process of adjustments or assimilation of new employees in the organization
B. Development:
  - Three elements:
  * Employee training- skills development and the changing of   attitudes among workers
  * Management development- acquiring knowledge and   enhancement of manager’s conceptual abilities
  * Career development- continued affects to match long term individual and organizational needs

C. Motivation/Utilization:
  - Utilize HR, existing and new
  - Individual difference address
  - Every human are unique and different
  - Elements:
  * job design  * performance evaluation
  * rewards  * job evaluation
  * compensation and benefit etc.

D. Maintenance:
  - Concerned with providing proper working conditions- physical & psychological
  - Safety & health, labor relation
  - For positive employee attitude, commitment, productive employees

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