  - Indispensable component of management process
  - Process of selection of a best course of action out of many alternatives
  - Process:
  * Identifying and defining the problems
  * Development of alternative solutions
  * Evaluation of alternatives in terms of possible consequences
  * Selection of best alternatives & implementation of decision
  - Management makes decision regarding the organizational problems choosing the best alternative considering organizational interests   and objectives
  - Decision making process on various actions:
  * Goal setting  * Planning  * Taking action

  * Strategy formulation * Job assignment  *Performance  evaluation

Programmed & Non-Programmed:

  - Programmed:
  * Routine & repetitive
  * Daily operational decision
  * No consideration of past decisions
  * Made by first line managers
  * Basis: policy framework, rules, regulations, standard operating  procedures
  * Requirement: little deliberation and thinking
    little interest in future growth, stability,     profitability
   - Non-Programmed:
  * Unique/creative nature decision
  * One time decision
  * No existing policies/standard operating procedures to guide decision
  * Strategic decision, truly managerial decision
  * Basis/Requirement: deep knowledge, brain storming, experience, foresightedness
  * Decisions: product diversification, marketing strategy, dropping an existing product, new investment, all policy      decisions

Routine & Basic Decisions:

  Routine Decisions-
  * Related with day-to-day operation
  * Taken promptly
  * Solutions for repetitive problems
  * By lower level of management
  * Like programmed decisions
  * Decisions: exchange of works between co-workers, machine repair & maintenance, making availability of raw materials etc. 
  Basic Decisions-
  * Strategic decisions
  * For long run survival and growth
  * Long term decisions
  * Top level management
  * Similar to non-programmed decisions
  * Requirements: creativity, through study of future impacts, judgment and intuition

  * Decisions: capital investment, business expansion, plant replacement, recruitment and selection etc.

Organizational & Personal Decisions:

  Organizational Decisions-
  * Formal or official decision
  * Decision maker consider official authority
  * Fulfill official procedures, system and formalities
  * Decisions: appointment, promotion, transfer etc.
  Personal Decisions-
  * Informal or individual decision
  * On the basis of personal skill, knowledge, capacity, personal  interest, desire, necessity
  * No effect to regular performance of organization
  * Decisions: voluntary retirement, reject promotion, refuse higher education etc.

Individual & Group Decisions:

  Individual Decisions-
  * Single person involved
  * General manager, departmental manager etc.
  * Consideration: Organizational objectives, working environment
  * Use: Personal knowledge, idea, skills, experience
  Group Decisions-
  * Group of persons involved
  * BOD, management committee, partners etc.
  * Joint stock company, partnership firms, co-operatives etc.
  * The group of authority come to a decision through mutual consent or majority of votes

 Policy & Operational Decisions:

  Policy/Strategic Decisions-
  * By top level management
  * Having long term impact on organizational performance
  * Decisions: new rules, regulations and programs, amendment
  Operational Decisions-
  * By lower level management
  * Concerned with day-to-day operation
  * For: implementation of plans & policies formulated by top   management
  * Decisions: change in work schedule, set-up of machines & equipments

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