  - Primary function of management
  - Predetermination of :
  objectives and future course of action to be taken
  to achieve defined goals effectively and efficiently
  - A blue print of action and operation
  - Involves the activities:
  analyzing and deciding about technical, personnel, financial and other elements to implement predetermined course of action
  - An intellectual process concerned with deciding in advance:
   what is to be done, how it is to be done, when and who
  - Planning reflects foresight and wisdom
  - Envisioning a pathway from concept to reality
  - Essential to grab opportunities created by changing environment
  - A must to face probable threats, uncertainty reduction

Planning Types:

Corporate Plan:
  - A long term plan
  - Prepared by top level mgt.
  - A reason for existence
  - Defines the objectives and strategies
Tactical Plan:
  - A mid-term plan
  - Prepared by middle level mgt.- deptt. Mgr.
  - A sub division of corporate plan- supportive to corporate plan
  - Focus on: resource allocation for divisional activities as production, finance, marketing, personnel etc.
Operational Plan:
  - Lower level mgt. plan
  - Support tactical and corporate plan
  - specific action plan of each activity of each unit
  - Schedule of day to day work

  - Focus: best use of resourcesSingle Use Plan:
  - For a specific purpose in non-programmed situation
  - For non-repetitive activities
  - Worthless after completion
Standing Use Plan:
  - For repetitive activities
  - For programmed decision making
  - Used for achievement of organizational objectivities at different situations
  - Like rules, policies, strategies etc.
Specific Plan:
  - For a particular deptt. Or unit
  - For departmental activities performance
Flexible Plan:
  - Changeable on time and situation basis
  - A guideline to the members and modification as per their facility and requirement


  * A reason for existence, setting of fundamental unique purpose
  * Clearance about  offer, the product or service
  * Answer about who and what
  * Developed by top level management
  * Planned results to be achieved, the destination to be reached
  * What task by whom
  * Consistent with mission
  * A comprehensive master plan to accomplish the goals
  * Determination of long term objective, adoption of course of action, allocation of resources
  * Maximizes competitive advantage
  * A comprehensive guideline for decision making
  * Link between strategy formulation and implementation
  * Ensures the decision is consistent with mission, goals, strategies
  * A guideline for particular task performance
  * Indicate how a policy is to be implemented
  * Guides to action and detail the exact manner for certain activity performance
  * Detailed guidelines to action
  * Specific and rigid and strictly to be obeyed
  * Violation of rules- disciplinary action
  * Statement of activities to accomplish a single use plan
  * A comprehensive plan consisting of a complex set of goals, procedures, rules, resource flow etc.
  * A short term financial plan
  * Designed to allocate the resources

  * A basis of measuring actual performance with standards for finding out deviation


SWOT Analysis:
  * Pre-step of planning
  * Internal environment- strength and weakness
  * External environment- opportunities and threats
  * Consideration while setting goals
Goals Setting:
  * Starting point of planning
  * Specific, clear, practical, time bound
  * No idealistic, over ambitious
  * Determination with considering resources and opportunities
  * Broken down into specific objectives of departments, branches, sections, individuals
Premises Determination:
  * Assumption of future- base of plan
  * Tangible premises- capital investment, production units, sales   units, per unit cost, time etc.
  Intangible premises- employees’ moral, goodwill, motivation,   managerial attitude etc.  Internal premises- money, materials, machines, management
  External premises- competitors’ strategy, government policy,   technological change, socio-cultural beliefs etc.
Alternatives Determination:
  * Various alternative courses of action for goal achievement
  * Source of information
  * Support of experienced and intellectual experts
Alternatives Evaluation:
  * Evaluation from cost and benefit point of view
  * Evaluation factors: risk, responsibility, planning premises, resources, technology etc.
  * A broad based analytical approach
  * Analysis techniques based on: mathematics, sociology, psychology, economics etc.
Best Course of Action:
  * After evaluation- best alternative selection
  * Consideration: past experience, present situation, future contingencies, cost and benefit factors
Derivative Plan:
  * Formulate action plan
  * For each deptt- policies, rules, schedules, budgets
Plan Implementation:
  * The paper plan into action
  * Communicate with subordinates, provide necessary instruction & guidance, resource arrangement, timely supervision and control
Planning Review:
  * Know about actual performance as per planning
  * Corrective action at proper time
  * Adapt with changing environment

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