Contingency Theory

Contingency Theory

  - A situational and practical approach- influenced by system approach
  - Assumption: there is no one best way to solve management problems in all organizations and in every situations, it varies depending upon situational variables
  - No plans, organization structures, leadership styles or control techniques that fit in all organizations

  - The manager must understand the uniqueness and differentiating variables depending upon situation
  - Should be a match between situation and dealing manner
  - The four contingency variables that determine management practice:
A. Organization size- no. of people
B. Routine technologies requirement for transforming inputs into outputs
C. Environmental Uncertainty- a best style in stable environment, inappropriate in dynamic environment. So, style as per environmental changes
D. Personal Differences- Managers must select leadership style, motivation techniques, job design considering personal differences
  - Management needs to recognize:
  * nature of technology
  * variation in human participants
  * diversity in environmental relationships
  - And develop management problem solving approach based on prevailing circumstances and situational factors, using intuitive appeal


  - Managers are involved in innovative ideas generation
  - Develop capability to think analytically, critically and in multidimensional ways
  - Managers are given more freedom


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